
Aeration Diffuser

Aeration Diffuser


Types of aeration diffusers used for wastewater aeration in wastewater treatment plants are divided into two general categories: porous diffusers and non-porous diffusers. The most common types of porous diffusers include plate, dome, disc and tube diffusers.
Aeration Diffuser
Plate diffusers are mounted on concrete or aluminum bases, and each base can hold 6 plates or more. Each group of bases is connected to the air pipe at appropriate intervals along the tank And is controlled by a valve. This diffuser is a plate aerator.

Types of diffusers in terms of production bubbles

 Diffusers are divided into three types of fine bubbles (medium bubble), medium bubble (medium bubble) and coarse bubble (coarse bubble).

Small bubble aerator diffuser due to its small size and also more bubbles produced They have a higher contact surface with wastewater and have the ability to transfer more oxygen to the organic matter of wastewater. The large bubble diffuser creates a uniform flow in the wastewater.

    Diffuser aeration 

In the aeration section to the sewage according to the design parameters as well as the quality of the incoming sewage And the amount of air required for the type of aeration blower is selected.















































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